Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sex Relationships and Sometimes Love

Let the confessions begin. What better way to spend a weekend night than to witness people confessing and baring their souls on the stages of Los Angeles. LA’s hottest actors bearing all. It’s not just a sex show, but is an actual real testament to the rich texture of the underworld of not only LA acting, but also of what sex can do to people and what lies underneath.

Not only is it funny with humourous characters such as Orgasm Man and black wonderwomen, but there are heartfelt confessions about yearning, confessions that made never made the ears of the people they were confressing about, sexret lovers, wanton lovers, tragedy, hope, all to do with the tricky liasons that know no class boundaries.

Arqeurros, a sexy underewear baroness herself, come se e her deft attention to detail and witness to the human soul. Hopes and dreams will fly and you will get an hour long confessional into the midns and souls of people who are out there in every day life all over the country. Their hopes their deramss and their love. Arquerros has a unique view and insight into the human heart and only this play can really help you touch and feel and see, as Arquerros would put. Her book is full of firy monologues and has been helping actors and giving them something to grab onto for years now so come view and watch and enjoy Sex relationships and Cometimes love in the Actor’s Playpen in the heart of the colorful West Holllywood.

Have you ever been out to a bar or in the subway or the metro system or walking on campus, and you just couldn't help but wonder what the people in front of your or behind you were thinking. What are their deepest darkest secrets and how do they feel about things in their life? What makes them the way they are, and how do they think?

What do they know and what do they not know. What is their position on other subjects, versus others. What sets them apart? What sets them off.

Joelle's play is a bed time confessional of the most intimate kind, where we get to see people from all walks of life, by some of Hollywood's finest and upcoming and promising actors give their confessionals.

This is absolutely a must see. Actors, comfortable with themselves bare all in their robes and under shorts, bar time confessionals. Empty bar confessionals, strip club professoinal, this is a declisious and delicate way for people to get comfortable with others and see how it is.

There's a place in West Hollywood where gauranteed to see beautiful actresses confess all from the sheets of their own bed? It's a bed time confessional of everyone's favorite characters.

Where can you see wounded men confess all from the intimacy of a friendly bar? Is there actually a place where we can hear players and ladies men and bona fide "players" confess their deepest and darkest insecurities? The answer is yes, and the location is the Actor's Playpen, which is hosting the production "Sex and Relationships and Sometimes Love".

If you're a fan of the theatre, and you've been to theatre in LA, you're weary of the all too long show with entire acts that get off on the wrong foot and never quite correct themselves. The beauty of Joelle Arquerros' "Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love" is that it's a collection of vignettes, small, refreshing confessionals from an array of charcters, some of whom we've met before, and others we've always wanted to meet, but not known how to approach them.

It's all there in Arquerros' lively, show which definitely qualifies as a night out on the town. It's also a great "date play", that will give couples plenty to talk about on their way home.

"Sex, Relationships and Sometimes Love" can also make the perfect pre night show for a close group of friends, as it touches on issues that just about everyone has experienced, they will continue to experience as the night goes on.

Also, you will meet vibrant characters in this show you are guaranteed not to meet anywhere else, such as Orgasm Man and Black Wonderwoman. So, come dance and be merry and be a part of this array of lively, sexy confessionals and party with us in West Hollywood.

Sex, Relationships, and Sometimes...Love was first produced at SHOW WORLD in Times Square in 2003. It has currently been running a healthy 6 years at the 45th Street Theatre in Times Square with The Michael Chekov Theatre Co. and is also running in Los Angeles at The Actors Playpen March for an ongoing run.

These monologues are for everyone. They characterize the raw, delicate, and poignant perspectives of sex and love. They are modern, candid, topical, and for all walks of life- men, women, crossgender, straight, gay, and human.

A Monologues Show about Relationships.... Or whatever you want to call them.

For Tickets please call 310-226-6148 or 323-769-5566
Price: $12 or $15 includes ALL YOU CAN DRINK

The Actors Playpen
1514 N Gardner Street
Los Angeles, CA

Every Sunday at 6pm, 7:30pm, & 9pm.


The Gardner Stages
1501 N Gardner
Los Angeles, CA

Every Tuesday at 7:30pm & 9pm.

YOU can purchase the play at SAM FRENCH in LOS ANGELES or SKYLIGHT BOOKS


Now.... opeing in TORONTO!!
The Poor Alex Theatre
772A Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario

Oct- 7, 11, 18, 25. Nov- 1 & 8.

NEW YORK: Still running strong at the :
45th Street Theatre
Times Square
New York, New York

"Joelle Arqueros understands the human condition, her theatrical monologues impressively roam a wide range of emotional dynamics, from angst to xenophobia and everything in between."

"Arqueros possesses an admirable empathy for the idiosyncrasies, comedic foibles and sad realities of contemporary human sexual relationships."
-Latin Heat

"a montage of manic and sometimes unnervingly psychotic comedic acts. While this may sound uncomfortable, rest assured that it can be. Delightfully uncomfortable, that is."

"Candid and topical."
"Her eye for natural detail is spot-on...and her characters' mannnerisms and dialogue ring true."
-LA Weekly

"Sexy, raw, hilarious and provocative...this show ignites on stage into the lives of people from all walks of life."

"...cannot mask sincerity or sweetness and strength in Arqueros writing."
-28th St. Magazine

"Joelle Arqueros is a blonde dynamo with an uncanny ability to see human relations from all sides at once."

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